Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

When I was very young I was absolutely enamored with the fantastic A Series of Unfortunate Events. I distinctly remember laughing with my parents while reading the drawn out explanations of small phrases and idioms by Lemony Snicket. In lieu of explaining myself for my disappearance and lack of updates (for which, if you are a human being from planet earth, you can probably guess the reasoning), I offer this alone:
"It is now necessary for me to use the rather hackneyed phrase "meanwhile, back at the ranch." The word "hackneyed" here means "used by so, so many writers that by the time Lemony Snicket uses it, it is a tiresome cliché."
"Meanwhile, back at the ranch" is a phrase used to link what is going on in one part of the story to what is going on in another part of the story, and it has nothing to do with cows or with horses or with any people who work in rural areas where ranches are, or even with ranch dressing, which is creamy and put on salads." 
Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Reptile Room
In my case it has everything to do with people who work in rural areas where ranches are but sadly no ranch dressing.

We took a month off from working on the tiny house to better social distance while my sister and her husband worked on their house and prepared for their tiny wedding.

Do I feel like I missed out on a month (more than that) of beautiful weather and progress?
Yes. Absolutely.
Do I regret it?
Let's not focus on the past.

Instead, here's a few pieces of life from previous weeks.

We just started working on the house again this week so I will have an update post ready to go soon!

I helped my sister-in-law move her wedding up a day with less than 24 hours to plan.

And I photographed the wedding!

We went out for brunch without breaking social distancing guidelines and ate waffles on our balcony.

I ran past a fence absolutely covered in honeysuckle and paused and drank in the smell and it reminded me of my childhood.

 Noble built a nest to work from home in. He also celebrated his 27th birthday and I stayed up late filing our apartment with green balloons.

I baked Noble a key lime pie cheesecake (only my second cheesecake ever!) and it was sublime.

We had a drive by birthday party!

We were cute!

My sister got married (this was the rehearsal).

And, much like Forrest Gump, I just kept running through the rain, and the cold, and mostly the heat and tried to shake the sense of impending doom. Couldn't quite shake it but definitely got a few paces ahead of it a few times, then fell back into the void and then burst through at the end, victorious.

Well, we're not quite done yet so we'll see what happens next. 

I hope you and yours are safe and healthy.


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